Red Team Tools

Red Team Tooling

Run sophisticated attack simulations using solutions developed by expert red teamers.

Cobalt Strike

Cobalt Strike is a benchmark adversary simulation tool, known for its signature payload, Beacon, and a flexible Command and Control (C2) framework, designed to be easily modified to meet the needs of red team operators.
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Outflank Security Tooling

OST is a broad set of red team tools that cover every significant step in the attacker kill chain, from initial breach to data exfiltration. Specializing on evasion techniques, OST is ideal for bypassing defensive measures and detection tools.
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Offensive Security Bundles

Reduce cost and streamline multiple layers of complexity to create a mature security program and ensure your organization can prevent successful cyberattacks.

Red Team Bundle

Conduct advanced red team engagements and seamlessly integrate tools with Cobalt Strike and Outflank Security Tooling (OST).
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Advanced Red Team Bundle

Conduct advanced security assessments that safely test the strength of security defenses with Core Impact, Cobalt Strike, and Outflank Security Tooling (OST).
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